Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency (PEMF) therapy is pulses of electromagnetic energy. The pulses mean that this energy is not felt as 'heat' in the tissue. The short pulses of electromagnetic energy (electrical current) impact the cell surfaces, creating a cascade of biochemical and biophysical changes in the cells, without interfering with nerve or muscle function.
The research indicates there is a wide range of benefits, and potential uses for this therapy. This include:
Growth and development of cells
Management of post surgical pain and edema
Treatment of chronic wounds
Facilitating vasodilatation and angiogenesis
Decreasing pain and swelling following injury or surgery
Alleviate cartilage degradation in synovial joints by promoting the growth of new cartilage
Treatment of joint disorders
Treatment of non-union fractures
Healing of chronic wounds
Chronic generalised pain
Chronic localised musculoskeletal or inflammatory pain
Treatment of anxiety disorders, panic, including PTSD
How to use:
Loops - Place them over the affected area. You can secure them with K tape to the body or a harness or clothing, or just hold them in place. You can treat for 15 minutes twice a day, or leave devices on longer if desired.
For chronic generalised pain, or anxiety we need to place the loop device on the top of the head. This impacts some of the brain centres related to these behaviour disorders. Treatments are usually 15 minutes twice a day.
The KT Tape Recovery + Wave is clinically proven and FDA cleared device for relief of chronic musculoskeletal pain.
Features include:
- 250 hours of battery life for consecutive or intermittent use
- Sensation-free electromagnetic pulses that are safe and effective
- Flexible loop is easy to place
- Water resistant, safe to wear during regular physical activity and during sweating
PEMF Loop - KT Recovery + Wave (Electromagnetic pain relief)
Not reccomended for pregnant individuals. If you are unsure of the suitablilty of this product for you, or your dog please check with an appropriate healthcare profesional.